Why Every Girl Needs Girlfriends


Ever since finding out that we are having a girl, my mind has been gravitating towards childhood memories and the amazing friendships I’ve been blessed to have. Through life’s highs and lows, my ladies have been there with me for it all. There’s nothing quite like the companionship of another female who shares in your sense of humor, emotional outbursts, embarrassing stories, and bad dance moves. I can only hope my daughter is as lucky as I have been to be surrounded by remarkable women, and here’s why…

Because only girls can relate to period stories.
A girl’s period is a scary/exciting/monumental occasion in her life, and if you’re anything like me and my friends, it will supply you with funny stories for years to come. Like the time I went to the waterpark while on my period and thought it was a good idea to wear a panty liner in my bikini. Guess what ended up stuck to the back of my thigh (for God only knows how long)?

Because when you go through a breakup they will have your back.
We’re girls, we over-analyze, and even if we are the one doing the dumping, heartbreak endures. A girlfriend will be there to tell you how amazing you are, how dumb he is, and how you need to get back on the horse (so to speak). They might even throw a party in your honor (anyone remember Dezipalooza?) or make you a breakup kit filled with Haggen-Dazs, hot guys pics, chick flicks and other get-over-him necessities.

Because girls get that you just need to vent.
Ever try to tell your husband or boyfriend about something that’s troubling you and all they do is offer solutions on how to fix it? That’s a nice effort, but 99% of the time we just want to be heard; to be validated; to be backed up. A good girlfriend gets that. End of story.

Because they help keep you grounded and well-rounded.
No matter how much you love your significant other, you simply can’t get everything you need emotionally from one person. (Not to mention, eventually they’re going to feel like you’re suffocating them.) Your girlfriends offer you another outlet to channel your feelings and give you an outside perspective on things. Besides, who else is going to watch the Notebook with you for the zillionth time?

Because there’s nothing quite like the female bond.
Cat in the hat, humpersizes, Boone’s Farms, Nick Nolte, sand snatch, Nessy, “just gonna check the temperature”. These are just but a few of all the inside jokes that will forever bond me to my favorite ladies for the rest of our lives. No matter how long it’s been, we can pick up where we left off and we’ll be back to laughing like 13-year-olds. Yes our men may be annoyed be the constant references to inside jokes, but that’s only because they’re jealous.  🙂

A Simple Request…

prayerNon-invasive, risk-free, easy blood test. Doesn’t sound so bad right? During our first prenatal appointment Jason and I were encouraged to opt in for DNA testing to screen for disorders like Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21, etc. We knew without a doubt that we would keep our baby no matter what the outcome but decided to go ahead with the tests to prepare ourselves in off chance that our baby was diagnosed some sort of health issue. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have the peace of mind that our baby was healthy for the next nine months…

But peace of mind wasn’t what I got. When the results came back that I’m a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis I was worried, but at that point we knew the chances were still slim that our baby would be born with the disease since both parents have to be a carrier for it to be considered a risk. A week later Jason went in for his blood test, and the genetic counselor reassured us that given his background there was only a 4% chance he’d be a carrier too. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case; the results came back positive for CF.

So what does that mean? Statistically speaking, our child has a one in four chance of being born with severe or mild CF. Ultimately CF affects the lungs and digestive system, leading to life-threatening infections and difficulty breaking down and absorbing food.

Decades ago, kids with CF lived only a few years. Today, with advanced medical treatments and lung transplants the life expectancy is around 35-years-old. Still, even for those who receive the best medical attention, it’s a tough journey which can include the need for daily treatments.

Since CF is an inherited chronic disease there isn’t anything we could have or can currently do to make the chances of CF any greater or less. There is no prenatal treatment, no cure, no home remedy that will change our baby’s prognosis… except prayer.

From the beginning of our marriage, Jason and I have prayed for the health of our future children whether they be adopted or biological.  And from the instant we found out that we were expecting we’ve been praying over our little one in the womb. To say our prayers have been bumped up a notch since we received the test results is an understatement. I know God is more than capable of healing our baby, and we have faith he’ll do just that. But there’s power in numbers (“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20), and we’ll certainly take all the backup we can get.

My request is this: Set aside a minute to prayer over our baby today. It doesn’t matter if you’re normally a believer or not. God will hear your prayer just the same and we will be eternally grateful for your support.

With appreciation and love,

Desiree, Jason & Baby Stordahl

Keeping the Romance Alive

5-love-languagesIt’s no secret that having a little one changes your love life. One of the reoccurring themes of advice Jason and I have received is to spend as much quality time as we can together before the baby arrives. Having heard great things about the book, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, I figured I’d give it a shot.

This book is based on the theory that we all have a particular way we try to show love and likewise, the same way we show love is generally how we expect to receive it. This is called your love language and there are five main dialects: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. According to Chapman, most couples don’t speak the same primary love language which makes it difficult to intuitively know how to show love in a way that really meets your significant other’s needs. The end result? Miscommunication, misinterpretation and feelings of neglect.

The 5 Love Languages helps you identify your love language as well as your significant other’s. This book teaches you how to show love to each other in a way that effectively meets each person’s particular needs and it gives you a deeper understanding of why your partner does or doesn’t react to what you’re already doing.

Throughout the book, Chapman lists exercises you can do with your partner. One of my favorites was asking your partner to come up with a list of things they’d like you to do for them within the next month. Their answers not only provide you with insight on the ways they like to be shown love, but your partner gets to reap the benefits of your willingness to do something nice for them.

Jason and I decided on coming up with five each and exchanging the lists. The best part is that we’ve continued to do the exercise without prompting one another. Now that we each have a better understanding of what makes the other person feel validated and loved we can proactively do things to surprise each other in a loving way.

Need some inspiration? Here are a few ideas:

  • Plan a date out surprise.
  • Give a 15-minute back massage.
  • Go on after-dinner walks three times a week.
  • Breakfast in bed.
  • Hang those shelves that have been sitting in the closet.
  • Make a sexy calendar for your hubby.
  • Splurge on a weekend getaway.

Whether you’ve been married 20 years or you’re just beginning a relationship it doesn’t hurt to brush up on your romance skills. The 5 Love Languages is a great place to start.

Happy couple

10 New Uses for Sriracha

Sriracha loveMy latest pregnancy craving has been for all things spicy which has led me to add Sriracha sauce to just about anything edible. That being said, I’ve discovered some pretty phenomenal Sriracha concoctions. Here are my top 10.

Sriracha Fry SauceHot Chili Fry Sauce
Combine 3 tbsp mayo, 1 tbsp Sriracha, 1 tsp lime juice, and ¼ tsp for the perfect fry sauce. Or try it on your sandwich instead!

Pizza ‘n Sriracha
Drizzle a light layer of Sriracha over your pizza slice or use it as a dipping sauce for the crust. It’s especially tasty on Hawaiian, and veggie pizzas.

Potato Salad with a Kick
Give this summertime BBQ classic new life by adding Sriracha to the recipe. Just remember, a little goes a long way.

Rooster Cocktail Sauce
Stir Sriracha together with ketchup, a spoonful of horseradish, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice; serve with fresh shrimp, oysters, and clams.

Spicy Peanut Chicken Grilled Cheese
Ok, I haven’t actually made this one yet, but the recipe looks scrumdiddlyumptious! #salivating

Sizzlin’ Yakisoba
Pair Costco’s Yakisoba Noodles (Sun Luck brand) with veggies, chicken, stir fry sauce and Sriracha for a fiery punch of Kung-Pao flavor.

Sriracha SaladSriracha Salad
Spice up your taco salad with a splash of Sriracha or add zesty flavor to your favorite dressing (Caesar, Ranch, Bleu Cheese) by stirring in a ½ teaspoon of the rooster sauce. It sounds crazy, but it’s crazy good.

Teriyaki Chicken with a Twist
Marinate chicken with a combo of teriyaki sauce and Sriracha. Add lime and cilantro for sophisticated touch or sweeten things up with a dash of honey. Yum!

The Ultimate Bloody Mary
Turn up the heat with a little Sriracha sauce mixed into your Bloody Mary mix. It’s guaranteed to wake up your taste buds.

Sriracha Meatball SandwichVietnamese Meatball Sandwich
Mix mayo, Sriracha and green onions for an irresistible meatball sandwich sauce. For true Vietnamese flair, garnish your meatballs with grated carrots, thinly sliced jalapeño, and cilantro. Get the full recipe here.

Recommend Reads: The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy & Divergent

the girlfriends guide to pregnancyI’m the last woman on the planet that wants to read a boring manual about pregnancy.  Besides, I have a sister and plenty of girlfriends to fill me in on all the horrors of tearing, stretch marks, deflated boobs and other “fun” pregnancy/delivery-related issues.

Still, I felt compelled to read at least one book so I hit my local Value Village and looked for the cutest cover (yes I do judge a book by its cover). The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy is honest, informative, and most importantly, laugh out loud funny. I was introduced to concepts such as the “Titty Fairy”, maternity panties, and other issues that only a candid mama could retell. The author and mother of four, Vicki Iovine, tells it like it is in a non-judgmental way, almost with a Tina Fey feel to it. You’ll be laughing start to finish about everything from weight gain to pregnancy sex.

DivergentAnother recommended read? Divergent. This book is completely unrelated to pregnancy or being a mother but hey, sometimes that’s just what the doctor ordered- an escape from a reality. The story carries a striking resemblance to The Hunger Games and likewise is aimed at more of a young adult crowd, but don’t let that discourage you.  Dystopian plot twists, page-turning suspense and of course a sizzling romance to steam things up along the way… what’s not to love?

I whipped through Divergent while on vacation, and quickly moved on to the second book of the trilogy, Insurgent. The series will come to a conclusion with the third book, Allegiant, due out in October 2013 and the story is set to come to life on the big screen March 21, 2014. I recommend jumping on the band wagon now…  who cares if your 13-year-old niece is reading the same book as you?! It’s better than Fifty Shades of Grey.